The school was officially opened on 19th of October 1937. A. MURPHY and W. JOHNSON suggested that it be built as many children from the area travelled long distances to Greenwald school. The site chosen was 3 miles out on the Greenwald East Rd, 12 miles from Dartmoor. As the Department promised to supply a teacher and furniture, a hall was erected and leased to the Department for £12 p.a. Money for the building was raised by methods traditional to the district, e.g. the sale of calves and guessing the weight of a sheep. L. AITKIN was paid £25 for his carpentry and a mason charged £4 10s to build the stone chimney. A working bee added a room at the rear. It was not until 1951 that the building was lined and in 1958 the front porch was added. The first HT was Joseph St. ELLEN who enrolled 16 pupils in the new school. A. MURPHY, J. McEACHERN, W. O'NEIL, H. JOHNSON and J. MURPHY were the first members of the original school Committee. Captain J.J. St ELLEN served with the 14th and 15th Battalions and 3 Division HQ in the second AIF. Captain R.K. REID M.C., HT in 1938 was killed in action in New Guinea in 1943.

Source: "Vision & Realisation", Vol 2, Education Department of Victoria.