West Wimmera Mail & Natimuk & Goroke Advertiser 1920

[updated 20th January 2006]

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - January 30, 1920

On New Year’s Day, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Patyah, the marriage of Mr Valentine Gardner, late A.I.F., eldest son of Mr and Mrs G. Gardner, of ‘Fairlands’ Booroopki, to Miss Annie Finnigan, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Finnigan, was quietly solemnised by the Rev. R. McCoy, Church of England. Miss Gladys Finnigan, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid, and Mr Percy Gardner, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. The wedding breakfast was then partaken of, after which the happy couple left by motor car en route for Melbourne, where the honeymoon was spent. Their future home will be at Morea.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - February 6, 1920

At Natimuk Lake on Monday, 26th February, a halt was called in the Carnival programme for the purpose of permitting the presentation of medals to district soldiers.
In introducing Mr A.S. Rodgers, M.H.R., the Chairman, Mr J. Sudholz, who was responsible for collecting the money for the purchase of the medals, said that the soldiers had previously been presented with the medals, which they did not get.
Mr. Rodgers said that the medals he would now present were to those who were with them, or most of them were. He would read the names alphabetically, and he wished the people to show a spirit of recognition by giving three cheers which would resound from the banks of the old Lake. Amongst the names were:

Mr. Rodgers said that that completed the list as far as the committee knew; but if by any chance any soldier had been missed, the committee would be glad to receive the name at once. He would conclude by calling for three cheers for the chairman, Mr J. Sudholz, and the secretary, Mr R.O. McDonald.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - February 20, 1920

Minimay Notes
Mr Val Gardner, of Booroopki underwent a very serious operation last week in the Caulfield Military Hospital, a nerve being taken from his leg and grafted into his arm. He is now progressing favourably.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - May 14, 1920

Mr. Alex Philip was farewelled by his well-wishers in the Wombelano Hall on Wednesday afternoon, 5th instant. The gathering was a large and thoroughly representative one and amongst those present were visitors from Edenhope, Harrow, Gymbowen, Balmoral and Natimuk..The interior of the hall presented a cheery appearance with its decorations of bunting greenery and flowers, and the tables were laden with the choicest off viands. The Rev Mr. King, who presided, read apologies for unavoidable absence from Crs W. T. Hoare (president of the Kowree Shire). P J.Carracher, F. O. Robertson, F. Forster and A.Richards.. Rev W. J. Powney and Messrs Waterman, A. Campbell and Steele, all of whom paid a high tribute of praise to the guest, and expressed their deep regret at his departure. The chairman said that the large gathering showed the great esteem in which Mr. Philip was held. The Philip family had lived for many years at Miga Lake, which was a name to conjure with. Mr Philip had taken a live interest in every good movement in the district. He had been very liberal, no appeal being refused. While regretting his departure, it should be remembered that if he had not gone many soldiers would not have been able to settle on Miga Lake Estate. It was a pity that more local soldiers had not been given allotments. As his minister he especially regretted Mr. Philip's going away, as he bad been a very loyal supporter of the Presbyterian church. He wished Mr. Philip every success, and knew that he would prove as good a citizen and philanthropist where be was going as he had in the place he was leaving.

Cr E. J. Cranage, J.P., said he felt grateful for the opportunity to join in the appreciation of a gentleman who had lived in the district nearly all his life, where he was well and favorably known. Mr. Philip would be a great loss to the Kowree Shire Council, as president of which, for several years, he had kept councilors in the straight course. Mr. Philip's departure would also be a great loss to the district, for which he has, as a breeder of high class sheep, more good than any other man. He had heard a sheep breeder, who had gone to New South Wales in search of sheep say on his return, that there was no need to leave the district on such an errand. He wished Mr. Philip health and prosperity.

Mr. H G. Hill, shire secretary, said that while they all regretted Mr. Philip's departure, they were pleased to meet and say a few words of farewell concerning him as a man and a citizen. Mr. Philip was leaving because he had felt it his duty to settle soldiers in the district. But for that feeling, he would have remained with them. Anything that was worth doing, Mr. Philip could be relied upon to do well. During the war period he had supported patriotic movements liberally. The people of Wombelano would miss him very much. As a public man Mr. Philip had shown a fine example. As a representative on the Council for 15 years he had been looked upon as a man who would see justice done to all. He was popular with the ratepayers, councilors and officers, because they could always rely upon getting a fair deal. Nothing would give him greater pleasure than to see the soldiers thrive on Miga Lake. It was up to everyone to help the soldiers. They would need great assistance from the residents' of the district, and he (the speaker) felt sure it would be given. Soldier settlement was the biggest question which had ever faced Victoria. There would be no room for the soldiers on the land to make serious mistakes. All wished that the soldiers would be successful. He was quite sure they would make as good citizens as they had made soldiers. He hoped that Mr. Philip would find a useful field for his energies where he was going.

Cr Geo. Murray said that both as a private citizen and as a councillor. Mr. Philip had been all that could have been desired, and an excellent example to follow.

Ex, Cr Jas Hadden said he had always found Mr. Philip a friend and a gentleman. The fact that Mr. Philip had been president nine years out of the fifteen he had been councillor, showed what other councillors thought of him.

Mr. W. B. Edgar said he could not miss the opportunity of attending Mr. Philip's farewell. Mr. Philip and he had been great friends all their lives, and his (the speaker's) appreciation of his friend had not lessened as the years went on. Mr. Philip was a man of profound integrity and honesty. What had been said was not more than was deserved. He could not say anything bad of him. As a cricketer it took a good ball to get him, in fact he was a stonewaller. Some enthusiasts thought it would be a good idea to start baseball in the district. At baseball you bad to wear a horrible looking mask, which suggested an accident. The material was got, and in the opening game a player cut the first ball to leg which was against the rules. The second ball he got on the neck, and the third on the knee. Then you couldn't see the player for dust as he raced away. The baseball material was still in Harrow—for sale, cheap. (laughter). He hoped that Mr. Philip's leaving would result in Miga Lake being populated, and that instead of 16 or 17 occupants there would, in a few years be 160 or 170. (Laughter). That's what we want, population. (Renewed laughter). He hoped that it would not be long before the people of the district to which Mr. Philip was going would find out his good qualities.

Mr. H. G. Carstairs said he would touch purely upon the personal element, He felt that he was losing a true friend, and he could not say anything more Complimentary.

Cr W. H. Knight said he was pleased to be present though sorry for the occasion of his presence. As a councillor, whatever Mr.Philip had said was sound, and his going away would. be a great loss to the Shire.

Directly Mr. Philip had left the district the people would realise what a valuable man he was. A man's true worth was found out when he departed. Mr. Philip was to be commended for selling his estate for soldier settlement. It was a great mistake that local applicants for Miga Lake had been turned down, as they knew the requirements of the district, and should have got preference.

A protest should be made by the local soldiers themselves. He questioned whether a finer .family than the Philip's had ever come to Australia.

Ex-Cr J. C. FitzGerald and Mr. A. W. Lockwood also spoke.

Mr. J. Potter said he had always found Mr. Philip a splendid neighbor and a gentleman. As a councillor he bad represented the district well, and his place would be hard to fill. On behalf of the residents of Wombelano he had much pleasure in presenting Mr. Philip with a travelling bag as an evidence of their goodwill and esteem, and wishing him health and prosperity.

In rising to respond, Mr. Philip received an ovation. He said there came a time in the life of most men when under the stress of deep emotion he could not adequately express his feelings. That time had come.to him. However he might try, he could not express his thanks. He took it that this gathering was mostly in honor of a family that had lived in the district for a long time rather than for anything he bad done. About 62 years ago his late father settled at Miga Lake, and he, like others, experienced the vicissitudes of fortune before he got on his feet and eventually was in a position to spend the end of his days in comfort. He (the speaker) was one a those who thought that there was not sufficient appreciation of the work of the pioneers, who had, after a voyage of 6 months, arrived in a new country to found a home. To do that, they required great courage and endurance. Those pioneers were the best men in every walk of life, the best that England, Scotland and Ireland could produce. Between them they had laid the foundation of a great country, and it was a great country. It had been said that Australian soldiers were the bravest in the world. How could they help being such when they came of such fathers. He would like to say of the soldiers that they were really a fine body of men. They had read in history of the storming of the Heights by Abraham Woolf of Waterloo and the Crimea, but not one of them could surpass the glorious achievement at the landing at Gallipoli, and the subsequent achievements in France. In the days to come the hearts of the people would thrill with pride when they read of the great bravery shown by the Australians. The names on the graves in Gallipoli, France and Palestine may become obliterated in time, but the deeds of the Australians would never be effaced. Various speakers had referred to him as a councillor, it might be that it was hereditary to become a councillor. His father and brother were councillors before him. He had been a councillor for 15 years, and had endeavored to give the ratepayers as fair a deal as possible (A. Voice: "You couldn't help it".) It had always been a pleasure to go to Edenhope and associate with the other councillors, who were a splendid body of men. He did not remember one instance of a councillor grinding his own axe. The Kowree Shire stood high in the estimation of the Roads Board. All work had been done on a shilling rate. Several efforts to increase the rate had failed. The reason he had supported a shilling rate was that the ratepayers were taxed enough, and were far from market. But the time had come when the rate would have to be increased, as contractors wanted more for their work. It would not be long before the rate would be 1/6. Mr. Edgar had made reference to cricket. Mr. Edgar, Mr. J. C. FitzGerald and himself were the only members present of the old Harrow team, which took part in the Murray Cup of 60 guineas. Hamilton, Coleraine and Casterton also competed. The Cup had to be won three times in succession. Harrow won the first match by 2 wickets against Casterton, and afterwards did not lose a match, eventually winning the Cup. Two men were chiefly instrumental in the success, the late aboriginal, Johnny Mullagh, and Arthur Benson, who still lives at Harrow. Mullagh was a natural batsman. He (the speaker) had seen all the great English and Australian batsman, but had never seen a more graceful one than Mullagh. Arthur Benson was the finest bowler in the Western District. The man who could stand up against him was a marvel. He was pleased to see that cricket was being revived in Harrow, and he hoped that the mantle of the men he had mentioned would fall on the new players. Regarding public affairs, he regarded it as the duty of every man to take an interest in them. He had disposed of his estate to the Closer Settlement Board, and hoped the soldiers would succeed. They had no interest to pay for three years and ought to make good, but it was only the man who worked who would succeed. He was leaving the district not exactly of his own choice, but through force of circumstances. No other district would be the same to him. He could not buy with gold the old associations. That was where the shoe pinched.. However he hoped to come back some day and See how the settlement was getting on at Miga Lake. He thanked the speakers for their kind expressions, and the people for their handsome gift. Those who had chosen the present must have been gifted with second sight, as his old bag was neatly worn out. He would take this opportunity of wishing the people of the district long life and prosperity.

A vote of thanks to the chairmen and the singing of Auld Lang Syne brought the gathering to a close.

Fortunately for themselves, as well as for the State, the need of artificial fertilisers has greatly increased among farmers during the past ten years. Whereas in 1908 they applied 64,715 tons, in 1918 they applied 104,993 tons. A full chapter in Agriculture history could be written from those two sets of figures, indicating a more recuperative system, and enhanced returns. Still more illustrative of the change is the fact that whereas in 1898 only 7 per cent of the area cropped in the State was so manured in 1918 the area was 82 per cent, The chief of the fertilisers, so far as Victoria is concerned, is superphosphate, which has exerted a benign influence upon the wheat crop. Nhill farmers, for example, would not like to return to the yields of the early "nineties," when an eight bushel average gladdened their hearts. Today, with an equal rainfall, they sometimes get 38 bushels, and super, combined with a rotation to clear the land of "wheat sickness," is responsible for the great difference. The extent to which the superphosphate industry has grown was indicated in figures published a few days ago. During April 31,033 tons of manure were loaded at Yarraville, or equivalent to an average of 184.7 tons per working hour, or to a lorry load of slightly over three tons every minute. In the first four months of this year the total quantity of manure loaded at Yarraville amounted to 92,278 tons, or an increase of 14.928 tons on the amount sent out in the corresponding period of last year. This increased consumption illustrates a sane recognition of the importance of phosphates in wheat growing. Farmers know that to get satisfactory crops they must apply super, and last year's lessons convinced them as never before. The increase for the four months is about 18 per cent, and it may be assumed that farmers, on the average, are applying that much more to each acre of ground. Evidence of this has been provided in figures published in these columns during the past few weeks, when the experiences of individual farmers have been given. Let us again refer to a few of them. Mr. C. J. Reynolds. of Wail, increased his allowance from 100 to 120 lbs. ; Messrs Warner Bros., of Gerang, from 100 to 120 ; Mr. L. McLean, of Waracknabeal, from 56 to 112 ; Mr. John Sim, of Lake Bolac, from 8O to 120 ; Mr. Henry Bond, of Mininera, from 100 to 120 ; Mr. C. Raper, of Bamawm, from 6O to 95 ; Mr. M. Ryan, of Ngallo, near Pinnaroo. from 40 to 80 ; Mr. T. L. Judd, of Yanac North, from 80 to 120 ; Mr. F. C. Dahlenburg, of Kiata, from 60 to 95. In nearly every case, even in a dry year like that of 1919 / 20, increased returns are reported from those heavier dressings. The farmers mentioned, among the best in the respective districts, may be said to be pointing the way to wheat growers generally. Most of them have decided that it pays handsomely to apply larger quantities than the usual to the wheat crop, and particularly to the late sowings.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - June 18, 1920

On Wednesday evening. 2nd inst, a large number of friends of Miss Frances (Daisy) Gardner , who will shortly be married to Mr Bert Caldow. of Karnak, assembled at the home of her parents “Fairlands” - Booroopki, the occasion being a kitchen tea to Miss Gardner. The evening passed pleasantly until supper was served by the ladies in the dining-room. At the supper table eulogistic speeches were made by Mr A. F. Carracher (chairman), Mr C. Wong and Mr C. Crabtree, who all, regretted that Miss Gardner was leaving the district. and congratulated her on her choice of husband 'She's a Jolly Good Fellow-was lustily sung by the company. Mr P. Gardner suitably responded on behalf of his sister, saying that he was sure she was very grateful to her friends for their kindness in arranging the evening's entertainment in her honor and for the many useful presents she bad received. A vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Gardner for having allowed those present the privilege of the freedom of their house, on the motion of the chairman, was carried by acclamation, and responded to by Mrs Gardner, who expressed pleasure at seeing so many present to do honor to her daughter. Games and selections on the gramophone were enjoyed until about 2 am., when all departed. feeling that they had spent a very enjoyable evening,

On May 28th, in Mr H. Speher's barn. a kitchen tea was tendered to Miss I. Bird. of Prestopans, Scotland. on the eve of her marriage to Mr E. W, Bowden, of Natimuk. The presents were numerous and costly. In respond­ing on behalf of Miss Bird, who said that such things as kitchen teas were unknown in Scotland. Mr Bowden thanked those present for the kitchen tea and the presents, as they had expected no such thing. They were wished health and success in their new home.

The children of the Natimuk school assembled on Thursday, May 27th, to bid good-bye to Mr Spowart, who had been promoted to Traralgon H.E.S. The room was nicely decorated by the senior girls and included a specially decorated chair for Mr Spowart. After a short program by the pupils. Miss Lewis, first assistant, spoke of the great loss the school was experiencing in his departure. Personally and as his assistant , while congratulating him, she re­gretted his going very much indeed, while she knew that the junior teachers felt they were losing not only a head teacher but the kindest of mentors who put their welfare first. On behalf of the children and the staff she asked him to accept a leather suit case, remarking that every stitch represented a pupil who had passed through his school and whom they hoped would always be remembered and wishing him the best of good things. The brown leather and the blue lining would remind him of the brown and the blue-eyed children of Natimuk. Mr Spowart feelingly responded and urged the children to always have before them high ideals. If any of the stitches broke, he would know what pupils they represented. Miss Hettie Pfennig, on behalf of the senior girls, presented Mr Spowart's daughter, Nellie, with an artistic gold brooch in remembrance of her school days spent in Natimuk. The afternoon concluded with the children giving three hearty cheers for their departing head teacher;

Miss J.J. Kiely was tendered a public farewell social in the Gymbowen Mechanics' Hall on Thursday night, May 27th., After the singing of the National Anthem dancing was commenced, and songs were rendered during the evening, by Miss Norma Richards and Messrs Bert Haase and E. Muegel. Miss Stella Richards playing the accompaniments, eulogistic speeches were made by Mr J. F. Muegel (chairman) and Messrs A. Richards, and J. Crick. On behalf of the residents the chairman presented Miss Kiely with a wallet purse, In the absence of her brother, Mr G. Lowe responded on Miss Kiely's behalf. The music for the dance was supplied by Messrs J Cruse, R. Maybery and Roy Knight. Mr Geo Richards officiating as M.C. in his usual capable manner. An excellent supper was provided by the ladies of the district. Mr M. Widdicombe as secretary was the right: man in the right place. Miss Kiely, during her stay in the district, made many friends, and her departure is keenly regretted.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - June 25, 1920

Genuine regret was expressed in the Natimuk and Hopetoun districts, when the sad intelligence was received of the death on the 6th inst of Mrs Grace Blanche Raggatt, wife of Cr Thomas Raggatt, J.P., of Yaapeet. Deceased had enjoyed remarkably good health until about six weeks before her death and later on, whilst on a visit to her daughter, Mrs G. Levitzke, at Natimuk, she was ordered by her medical attendant to take a complete rest. Notwithstanding careful and assiduous nursing and all that medical aid could suggest, she grew weaker and peacefully passed away. Deceased, who was, 61 years of age, was a native of Bendigo, and with her parents (Mr and Mrs Gartrell): removed to Adelaide, where she spent, her girlhood days. She was married in Adelaide in 1880, and shortly after removed to Narracoorte where she resided until 1884. In that year deceased and her husband settled at Miga Lake, and seven years later they acquired a farm property near Natimuk (now Mr C. Dawson's). When the Mallee was made available for selection Mr Raggatt secured a block in 1899, and in 1901 deceased and her family removed to Yaapeet, where she spent the remainder of her life. Of a family of six children (four boys and two girls) five survive, the eldest son, Thos. H. having made the supreme sacrifice in the Boer War. The remaining children are—Mrs Levitzke (widow of the late Mr G. Levitzke), Natimuk ; Mrs Fred Raggatt Casterton ; Messrs H.W. (Jack), A. L. (late A.1.F.) and L. E., of Yaapeet. Their many friends will extend to the bereaved family the deepest sympathy in the irreparable loss of a faithful wife and devoted mother The interment took place at the Natimuk cemetery, the Rev. A. B. Rowell (Church of England) conducting the burial service.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - July 2, 1920

BAKER. In. loving and everlasting memory of our dearly loved eldest son and brother, James, who passed away in the Horsham Hospital, July 11, 1919.
No one he loved was by his side to hear his last faint sigh,
Or whisper just one loving word before he closed his eyes.
Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten.
This day recalls sad memories of one who is laid to rest,
And those who think of him today are ones who loved him best.
—Inserted by his sorrowing mother, fath­er, sisters and brothers, and little Florrie.

BAKER.— In sad and loving memory of our dear nephew, James J. Baker, who passed away on the 11th July, 1919, 25 years.
This is the day of remembrance to all,
This is the day so sad to recall.
Gone and forgotten by some you may be It others forget you, never will we.
—Inserted by his loving auntie and uncle, I. and F. Creek.

On Saturday last, at Minimay, a narrow escape from serious injury was ex­perienced by Mr Jack Blacksell, a prominent Minimay footballer. With others, he was practising near the playing ground prior to the match, and while going for a mark he was knocked down by a motor car, owned and driven by Mr M. Heffernan, of Edenhope. Fortunately Mr Blacksell was thrown clear of the car, he having been struck by the mudguard. He sustained severe cuts and bruises in his legs, but shortly afterwards took a very active part In the football match.

Position of Clubs (Kowree Association): — Club played Won Lost Pts;
Edenhope 2 1 1 4
Apsley 2 0 2 0
Minimay 2 2 0 8

Kowree Football Association was advanced another stage on Saturday last, when Edenhope and Minimay teams met at Minimay, in one of the most interesting and exciting matches ever witnessed, on Minimay ground. The result was a win for Minimay by three points, the final scores being Minimay 1 goal 4 behinds, Edenhope 7 behinds. It will be seen that although a fairly strong breeze favoured one goal, very little scoring was done, which speaks well for the good defence put up by each side. It was also apparent that on last Saturday's play, the teams were well matched, although the home team seemed to gain the ascendancy at several stages of the last quarter, when, kicking against the wind, they added a goal to their score, which stood at one point behind that of Edenhope at the beginning of the final quarter. In this quarter Edenhope only succeeded in adding two minors, although they forced matters. The scores of each quarter were as follows. First quarter, Minimay 2 behinds, Edenhope 1 behind ; second quarter, Minimay nil, Edenhope 4 behinds; third quarter, Minimay 2 behinds, Edenhope nil ; fourth quarter, Minimay 1 goal, Edenhope 2 behinds. Mr L. Altman (Narracoorte), as central umpire gave impartial decisions, and kept the game well under control. The visitors were entertained at dinner and tea by the home, team, the ladies kindly providing the meals. A well attended dance held in the evening in aid of the club, the takings being £2/6/6.

A practice match is arranged to take place at Minimay on Saturday next, 10th inst., and on the following Saturday, 17th inst., Apsley and Minimay teams will try conclusions on Minimay ground.

Shortly after the commencement of the football match at Minimay on Saturday last, Mr Laurie Carracher, another prominent player in the local team, received an accidental kick on the hand, which prevented him from taking an active part in the game. It was thought that a finger was broken and he was driven to Frances, where he could consult a medico.

On Friday last the little son of Mr Wm. Tierney, of Gymbowen, pulled a basin of boiling fat over himself. He was badly scalded on the neck and arms. Dr Kirkpatrick was called in, and ordered the boys removal to the Hospital, where he is reported to be doing well.

Upon hearing of the death of her husband, who collapsed while lighting his pipe while driving with a friend near Ballarat, Mrs J. Hart’s hair turned completely white.

Her many friends will regret to learn that Mrs Duschka, who for many years resided at Natimuk Lake, but who for some time has been living with her daughter, Mrs Greenberger, Jung, was so seriously ill yesterday that not the slightest hope was held out for her recovery.

During an interval at the footballers' dance at Goroke on Saturday night, a presentation was made to Mr Thos. Carroll, who is leaving the district. Mr Geo Bird, president of the Football Club, who made the presentation, said he had known Mr Carroll for a great number of years, and had always found him a good clean sport, especially in connection with football. Mr Carroll had been Goroke umpire for a number of years, and held the respect of all the players as well as the public. He (the chairman) had great pleasure in presenting him with a tobacco pouch and pipe as a small token of esteem from the footballers of Goroke. Other speakers were Messrs D. A. Vorwerg. J. McBean, D. Kiely and G.Walker. Mr Carroll suitably returned thanks for the kind remarks and for the present. He leaves for Melbourne this week.
Dr Stevens has arrived in Natimuk, and possesses excellent credentials. Dr Brionowski will leave Natimuk this morning.and Mrs Brionowski and family take their departure on Monday. They leave with the best wishes of the whole community, which is evidenced by the numerously signed letters of appreciation which Dr Brionowski was presented with
Mr George Bilston having sold his residence at Natimuk to Mr E Gust will be leaving the district shortly for Salt Lakes' where he has building contracts on hand. He will be accompan­ied by Mrs Bilston. Some members of the family will remain in Natimuk, and some will go to Mildura. Mr and Mrs Bilston and family are to be tendered a farewell on Monday evening. They have been estimable citizens:

At 5.30 on Saturday evening last, Mrs F. Schmidt, relict of the late Mr Fred Schmidt, died at her residence, ''Parklands," Natimuk.
For many years she had suffered from bronchitis, and about a week before her death acute symptoms of the old complaint began to manifest themselves, and towards the end pleurisy set in. The deceased had led an exemplary life, and with her late husband, shared the struggles experienced by the pioneers who opened up the land around Natimuk. At all times she was a loyal and affectionate helpmate, as well as a devoted mother, and the memory of her sweet life will remain forever with those who knew her best and loved her most, She was of a lov­ing but retiring disposition, and possessed an unswerving Christian character.
Born at Brandenburg, in Germany, on the 22nd August, 1844, she had well passed the allotted span. She arrived in South Australia when eight years of age, and in 1866 was married at Blumberg. Mrs Schmidt resided at Blumberg until 1868, when she went to Mt. Gambier, remaining there only a year before leaving for Natimuk, where she had lived ever since–—a period of 49 years. She had 12 children, 10 of whom are alive, namely. Messrs William (Jeparit), John (Jeparit), Fred (Natimuk), Heinrich (Natimuk), and Albert (Warracknabeal), and Mesdames Fitzener (Adelaide), Jameison (Geelong), W. J. Sudholz, I. Creed (Natimuk), and E. Knight (Natimuk;. To the family the deepest sympathy is felt in their sad loss of a devoted mother.
The funeral which took place on Monday last, was largely attended. Pastor Lohe, conducted the burial service and Messrs Bousfield and sons had charge of the mortuary arrangements. The coffin bearers were Messrs Aug Gladigau, W. Klowes, H. F. Sudholz, A.G. Sudholz and Larrard.

On May 26th, Agnes, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Alf Gray, of Edenhope. was married to James, son of Mr and Mrs Jim Lampard, of Ullswater, at all Souls' Church, Edenhope, by the Rev T. Hill.
The bride looked very sweet in white satin, tulle veil and wreath of orange blossom. The bridesmaid, Miss Astbury (cousin of the bride), wore white voile, trimmed with val lace, and a white hat. The trainbearer, little Merle Gray, sister of the bride, wore a white silk dress and hat, and carried a basket of marguerites tied with saxe blue ribbon (arranged by Mrs Herb Wynniat.) The bride's and bridesmaid's bouquets were the work of Mrs W. Bird.
The best man was Mr Alex Lampard (bridegroom's brother), and the groomsman was Mr Eddie Wynniat (cousin of the bride).
As the bride was leaving the Church a horseshoe covered with satin was hung on her arm by Misses Marion McDonald and Gertie Moore.
The bridal party and guests then ad­journed to the Mechanics' Hall, where the wedding tea was served. The moth­er of the bride received the guests at the door, the bride and bridegroom standing further up the hall, where they were congratulated by a very large party of guests.
The bride and bridegroom departed for their new home at Ullswater amid showers of confetti and rice.
The bride travelled in a navy twill costume, and navy silk and straw hat. The following presents were received : Mrs A. Forster, tablecloth and 3 table spoons ; Mr and Mrs J. Guthridge, duchess set; Miss Ollie Clarke, traycloth; Mr and Mrs W. Bird, traycloth ; Mr and Mrs C. Wynniat. wallet ; Miss Ethel Weir, tea strainer ; Miss Merle Gray, fruit dish and cruet ; Mr V. Wynniat, set of canisters; Miss Sara Hinkley, butter dish ; Mr and Mrs H. and Miss M. Clarke, jar, jug, glass dish, and sugar basin ; Misses J. and S. Edgar, glass dish ; Mrs Moore and family, cream jug and basin ; Mr and Mrs J. Whitehead, glass fruit dish ; Mrs and Miss McDougall, ½ dozen plates and jug ; Mr and Mrs G. Peach, pickle jar and sauce bottle ; Lloyd and Freddie Peach, ½ doz plates ; West Lampard, teapot ; Ivy Lampard, sugar basin ; Doris Lampard, jug ; choir girls, ½.dozen teaspoons and set of vases ; Mr Wallace Forster, pair of ornaments ; Mr S. Wynniat, teaset ; Miss M. Forster, saucepan ; Mr and Mrs T. Robertson, ½ dozen tumblers ; Miss P. Wynniat, 3 cups and saucers ; Miss K. Cranage, teapot ; Mr and Mrs H. "Wynniat, lamp ; Miss Sara Astbury, ½ dozen knives ; Mr and Mrs J. McDonald, lamp ; Mr W. Clarke, kettle ; Miss B Hinkley, pair of vases ; Mr and Mrs W. Lampard, pair of vases ; Rev R. C. and Mrs Houston, jardinier ; Cranage Bros, set of basins ; Mr and Mrs Sinclair, 2 mats ; Mrs W. B. Astbury, boiler ; Mr Charles Gray, pair silver serviette rings ; Miss Mary Gray, two teapot stands and kewpie bride ; Mr and Mrs Looney, pair butter dishes ; Mr Albert Gray £7 ; Mr and Mrs A. Gray £5 and houselinen ; Mrs Dixon, snr., and family, £1/10/ ; Mr Ray Gray, Mrs Arthur Astbury, Mr A. Lampard, jnr., Mrs and Mrs J. Lampard, Mr and Mrs A. T. Lampard, Mr and Mrs F. Pahl, £1 ; Mr and Mrs Henry Burns, Mr and Mrs L. McCausland, Mr and Mrs Minogue, Miss D. Clarke, Mr and Mrs J. Weir, Mr and Mrs Hill, Mr Bert Wynniat, 10/- ; Mrs W. Lampard, snr., 5/-.

There was a fair attendance at the public meeting held on Friday even­ing last in connection with the matter of the War Trophy—a machine gun-- allotted to the town by the Defence Department. Mr H. G. Hodges, president of the Progress Association, was voted to the chair.
The Secretary of the Progress As­sociation, (Mr E. Schurmann) read a letter which he had received in regard to the Trophy.
It was resolved that the Trophy be accepted, and that Messrs H. G. Hodges and J. Henry be appointed trustees to represent the public. Mr L. Whitelaw stated that Mr H. G. Carstairs, president of the local branch of the Returned Soldiers' Association had been appointed trustee to represent the soldiers.
An expression of opinion was invited as to where, and the manner in which, the Trophy should be placed.
Mr Carstairs said that the Trophy would either have to be housed in an open space or placed in a public building. While he was at the war he had had charge of guns, and his experience was that if placed in the open the gun would require a certain amount of looking after.
It would be better to place the gun in some public building. No Shire Hall being available, the only building suitable was the Mechanics'. This Institute had an Honor Roll, which he understood was a gift.
Mr A. Barker—No, it is not a gift. The Mechanics' Institute paid for it. Mr Carstairs moved that the Trophy be placed underneath the Honor Roll in the Reading Room, and that brack­ets be purchased.
Mr A. Barker—You will have first to obtain the permission of the com­mittee of the Mechanics' Institute to shift the Honor Roll from the Library to the Reading Room.
Mr Carstairs agreed to embody in his motion that such permission be asked.
Mr R. Barker seconded the motion.
Mr A. Barker said that the list of names was by no means up to-date, as 49 additional names had to be placed thereon.
Mr G. Ekman suggested a public Honor Board for the Reading Room, As eight committeemen of the Mechanics' were present, it was decided that they should meet at once in the Library and consider the proposal for the removal of the Honor Board to the Reading Room.
The committee accordingly met., and on returning to the meeting, the president (Mr Jas. Fairlie) announced that an agreement could not be reached without a special meeting of the committee of the Institute being convened.
In reply to a question, Mr Ekman said that a new Honor Board would cost, roughly. £10.
On the motion of Messrs Whitelaw and Beckett, it was decided that a public Honor Board be secured and placed under the machine gun.
Mr Whitelaw, and Mr Fouracre undertook to collect subscriptions towards the cost of the new Board, the amount of each subscription being limited to 2/6.
It was resolved to ask the committee of the Institute for permission to erect the gun and Honor Board on the chimney breast in the Reading Room.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - July 16, 1920

Miss Annie Hawkins, of "Langley," Booroopki, is suffering from scarlet fever in a moderately severe form.

Mr Laurie Carracher, who consulted Dr Barnard in Narracoorte, as a result of injuries received in the football match at Minimay on 3rd inst, was found to have sustained a dislocation of a finger and bone bruises. He is now on the mend.

Mr J. D. Carracher, of Booroopki, has rejoined the staff of the National Bank, and took up duties at Casterton at the beginning of the week.

Mr Veitch, saddler, of Goroke, had the misfortune to slip on the Coffee Palace verandah on Sunday evening and break his leg. Dr Kirkpatrick attended and set the leg. This is the fourth time the same leg has been broken. Mr Veitch left for Horsham Hospital on Monday morning, and his business is closed during his absence. Much sympathy is felt for Mr Veitch in his sad misfortune.

The girl scholars of the 7th and 8th grades at the Natimuk State school on Tuesday, evidenced in a graceful way their esteem of their departing comrade, Edna Bilston, by presenting her, at the residence of her parents, with a box of perfume. The presentation was made by Edna McLean.

Mr and Mrs James Ratcliffe, who were recently married, are to be tendered a shower tea in the Natimuk Hall on Monday evening, when their friends will hand to them a miscellaneous and useful lot of articles for their new home.

Mr W. C. D. Veale, shire engineer at Edenhope, was in Melbourne last week to be decorated with the D.C.M. by the Governor-General. Subse­quently to winning the D.C.M. he was awarded the M.C., that being presen­ted to him by the King at Bucking­ham Palace.

Nurse Webster leaves Edenhope for Tasmania this week to receive, as next of kin, her brother's M.C.

Mr Jas Fairlie, manager of the National Bank at Natimuk, has been transfered to Benalla for two mouths for special duty. Mr F. N. S. Bennett, of Horsham, formerly manager at Natimuk, is relieving here.

Mr V..Austin, who went from Nat­imuk to Benalla, is now at Crowlands, in N.S.W.

The Rev R. E. Green, of the Methodist Church, Noradjuha, has received an invitation to Beaufort for next year, and will be leaving in April next.

Mr Alex. Philip, who sold his Miga Lake Estate for soldier settlement, and purchased the Mt Hamilton Estate of 5,000 acres, has bought 5,700 acres, of the original Nerrin Nerrin Estate, rich fattening and high class grazing country.


The death of Mrs J. Whitehead, of Edenhope, occurred on Tuesday after a long illness, at the age of 58. She had lived at Edenhope practically the whole of her life, and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. She leaves a husband, four daughters and two sons, to mourn their loss. Two sons—Robert and John—laid down their lives at the battle front. The late Mrs Whitehead was accorded a military funeral on Thursday, the Oddfellows also marching in regalia.

Mrs Ballinger, wife of Mr W. H. Ballinger, of Nurrabiel, died in a private nursing home at Horsham, Sunday, aged 28. Her remains were interred in the Horsham cemetery on Monday, the Rev. R. H. Green officiating

BOWDEN—BIRD. On Wednesday, 7th July, at the resi­dence of Mr W. Bowden (brother of the bridegroom), Mr Everett William Bowden (late Q.M. Sgt., A.I.F.), youngest son of Mr and Mrs John Bowden, and Miss Isabella Bird, late of Prestonpans, Scotland, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev Thomas Gray, of the Horsham Presbyterian Church. Despite the drenching rain of the earlier part of the day, a large number of relatives and neighbors gathered for the interesting ceremony. The bride, who had only arrived from "Bonnie Scot­land" some seven weeks before, entered on the arm of the father of the bridegroom. The bride looked charming in her dress of white silk poplin, trimmed with satin and French knots. She wore the usual wreath and veil. The bride was attended by Miss Pearl Bowden (sister of the bridegroom), who wore a frock of white crystaline, trimmed with satin ribbon. The bride and bridesmaid carried bouquets of jonquils and ferns.
After the ceremony, the assembled guests sat down with the happy couple to a sumptuous repast. When justice had been done to the viands, the officiating minister, in a few appropriate words, voiced the company's good wishes for the newly wedded, to which the bridegroom responded in his hap­piest vein. The Chairman further ex­pressed the company's good wishes for the bridesmaid, and for the parents of bride and bridegroom.
After the wedding breakfast, the room was cleared, and the young folks turned up to partake of the evening's enjoy­ment. Dancing started at 7.30 and was kept going until 11, when the company sat down to a knife and fork supper. Dancing was then continued until 3 a.m.
The following is a list of the presents:
Mr J. G. Bowden and family, cheque; Mr W. J. Bowden and family, lamp ; Mr and Mrs R. Houston, cheque and pair of fowls ; Mrs B. McDonald, silver and glass butter dish ; Gladdie Murphy, butter dishes ; Mr and Mrs J. Rask, fruit bowl and silver vase ; Mr and Mrs F. Lane half dozen dessert knives and forks ; Mrs J. Newell, butter dish and sugar basin ; Mr John McDonald, silver and china jam dish ; Mr and Miss Mackley, cheque ; Len. Murphy, sauce bottle; R. Whitfield, silver tea service ; Mr & Mrs F. Abernethy, pair cake dishes ; W. Fort, jam dish ; Mr and Mrs Chas Speher, pair silver vases ; Mr D. Hous­ton, cheque ; Mr A. Sanders cake dish ; Mr and Mrs B. Newell, cake dishes and wine glasses ; Mr and Mrs A. Fort, pair cake stands ; Mr W. Calder, silver toast rack ; Mr E. Sanders, china teapot ; Miss E. D. Calder, cheque ; Miss Agnes Fort, pair of d'oyleys ; Mr Geo Abernethy, jnr., case of carvers ; Mr D. McIntyre, silver teapot ; Mr Geo Sanders, salad bowl ; Mrs. J. Lowe, cake dish ; Mr and Mrs N. McKenzie, jug and salad bowl ; Mr and Mrs G. Gentles, half dozen knives ; Mr and Mrs A. Meyer, china teaset ; Mr Victor Sanders butter dishes ; Mr and Mrs Geo Abernethy, snr., lamp ; Mr and Mrs John Murphy, hearth rug ; Miss F. Larrad, glass fruit bowl ; Mr and Mrs J. Kuhne, china teaset ; Mr C. Sanders, cheque ; Miss P. Bowden, alarm clock ; Mr and Mrs E. Brown, ornaments ; Mr and Mrs B. Haustorfer, jam dishes ; Mrs Whitfield, china teasel ; Mr and Mrs M. Starick and family, cheque ; Mr A. C. Bowden, kitchen set ; Mr J. Newell, jnr., set of serviette rings ; Mr Thos Fort picture frame ; Tinkettlers, draw­ing room clock ; Mr and Mrs C, Speher, cheque ; Miss A. Fort, pair of salt and pepper shakers ; Mr F.L. Becker, pair of vases.

On Monday evening last Mr and Mrs G. Bilston and family were entertained at a farewell social on the occasion of their departure from the district, when, considering the impassable state of the roads, precluding country people from attending, the attendance was large.
Mr H. G. Carstairs presided, and Mr John Cross also occupied a seat on the stage.
Mr Cross said he could say without hesitation that the district was suffer­ing a severe loss through the depart­ure of the Bilston family. He had known Mr Bilston since he came to the district ;in fact, he was a brother "dusty," they having both ground flour on the old millstones. Mr Bilston had proved an admirable citi­zen. He had not entered into public affairs, being content to paddle his own canoe. Mrs Bilston had been a good mother, and had always been ready to help in time of sickness. Two of the boys, George and Colin, had worked for him, and smarter or more industrious lads could not be found. As young men, the Bilston boys had conducted themselves well. He had always been an admirer of Misses Nellie and Kitty Bilston, and he would like to say that as long as the influenza epidemic was remembered, so long would it be remembered that those ladies had stepped into the breach as nurses and displayed great courage. Sgt., George Bilston had filled a man's part when the call came, when men much older and as fit as greyhounds, had not. It was not known that he (the speaker) had offered his services to the Government during the war. One thing that hurt him was to see the boys enlisting, while men hold back. However, that was a matter for their conscience. Let them stew in their own juice. The Misses Bilston were to be commended for their action, for it took more courage to face an insidious disease than to go "over the top," He joined with all present in wishing God-speed and happiness to Mr and Mrs Bilston and family.
The Chairman said he wished to add a few words, he might say that he had not been long in Natimuk before he and his family were down with the 'flu, and Miss Bilston had kindly nursed them through. It. had been a pleasure to work in the Dramatic Club with such a highly talented family, who were equally at home in anything they attempted, A family like that would be very much missed. He understood that the family were not leaving all together, which was breaking the regret gently. He was sorry there was not a year between each departure. He had a pleasing duty to perform, which was to present Mr and Mrs Bilston with a silver entree dish, and the Misses Bilston with a pair of silver vases.
Mr Bilston said that speech mak­ing was not in his line. He thanked the people for attending, the speakers for their kind remarks, and their friends for the handsome presents, which would help them to remember them when far away. He hoped at some future time to revisit Natimuk. Mrs Bilston and he intended living at Salt Lakes for 12 months, and by that time they would have made up their minds where they would settle.
Songs were rendered by Misses D. Boyd and Beard, and Mr W. J. Corby. Refreshments were handed around, and dancing concluded a pleasant social evening.

A well attended meeting of the Booroopki Telephone Construction Committee was held at Booroopki on Wednesday evening, 7th inst, Mr P. J. Lavery (president) being to the chair. The hon. secretary, Mr John Carracher, read correspondence in ref­erence to the matter, which was received. It was decided after consideration to apply for permission to establish a private party line service be­tween Booroopki Post Office, and Minimay exchange, via Mr P. J. Lavery's residence, with points at the residences of Messrs A. J. Hawkins, P. J. Lavery, and Robt. Willis. The secretary was instructed to forward the application to Mr Jackson, District Inspector, Ballarat, and to request that gentleman to supply information regarding ways and means of erecting the line. As soon as a reply is to hand from Mr Jackson a further meet­ing will be held, when arrangements will be made for the commencement of the work.
Robert Kimber, an insurance agent, was arrested at Gymbowen on Sunday by Constable Ivey, on a charge of wife desertion from Exeter, S.A. He was brought before the Horsham Court on Tuesday, and was remanded till the 16th, pending the arrival of the original warrant and escort from Adelaide.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - July 23, 1920

Quite a number of Apsley people are indisposed at present, Mr J. Astbury is very ill with congestion of the lungs and bronchitis. Mrs D. McBain is suffering from neuritis in the back. There are several others confined to their beds and Dr.Burnard of Narracoorte, has been kept busy all the week attending to the patients.

Mr J. W Stimpson, who had his arm severely injured in the football match between Apsley and Minimay, is now almost well again. He unfortunately will not be able to take his place in the Apsley team this season.
Mrs W. J. Sudholz. who has not been well for some time, is at present in Melbourne consulting a specialist.
Mr Viv Brown is back in Natimuk from the Caulfield Military Hospital, where he underwent an operation on his foot, which was shattered by a shell.
The kitchen tea, which was to be tendered to Mr and Mrs James Ratcliffe last Monday, was postponed out of respect for the late Mrs A. W. Smith, until this (Friday) evening.
Mr Herbert Petrie met with a painful accident in Mr Bert Hateley's blacksmith's shop on Monday. Trip­ping, he fell against an anvil, with the result that three teeth were knocked out, and his face badly lacerated, necessitating four stitches being put in by Dr Stephens.
Mr V. Rapp, engine driver on the Natimuk railway for two or three years, who had been off duty for about two months, has been transferred to North Melbourne.
The Natimuk Fire Brigade intends erecting a handsome Honor Board in the Hall in memory of three members who fell in battle—Sgt. Edward Schunke, Signaller Lance Cross, and Private R. Grohs.

One of the saddest deaths which it has been our duty to chronicle for a long time, occurred in Nurse Ferguson's private hospital shortly after 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon, when Mrs Smith, wife of Mr Andrew W. Smith of Natimuk, passed away.
A devoted wife and affectionate daughter, the bereavement, which husband and family circle have sustained, is very sad indeed, while her premature death is mourned by everyone who knew her, her kindly disposition having endeared her to all. By the death of Mrs Smith, her father, brother and sisters have suffered a double bereavement, for it was only nine weeks before, that her mother died. Born at Carlton, Mrs Smith was the youngest daughter of Mr T. R. Willshire of Natimuk, and the late Mrs Elizabeth Willshire. She was married on October 20, 1915, and about two years ago came to Natimuk to live with her parents, her husband, Lieutenant Smith, being then at the war. The funeral on Wednesday afternoon was, considering the inclemency of the weather, largely attended. The burial service was conducted impressively by the Rev. R. H. Green (Methodist) while the mortuary arrangements were excellently carried out by Mr K G. Ekman, The coffin-bearers were Messrs E. H. Larrad, L. Rosel, W. Corby, Aug Gladigau, J. Henry, and J. P. Watkins.

The death occurred at Vectis yesterday week of Mr Wilhelm Schulz, a very old resident of the district at the age of 68 years. The deceased, who was born in Germany came to Victoria with his parents 61 years ago . He had carried on farming pursuits at Vectis for many years and was highly esteemed. He leaves a widow and an adult family of five sons and five daughters to mourn their loss. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Quantong Cemetery on Saturday. Pastor J. F. Noack conducted the burial service.

Mr and Mrs Hubert Houston of Horsham, have suffered a sad bereavement in the death of their infant son at a private hospital in Horsham on Saturday last.

Bereavement Notice
The family of the late Mrs F. Schmidt wish to tender their heartfelt thanks for expressions of sympathy and kindness, telegrams, and floral tributes received during their recent sad bereavement.
They wish to especially thank Dr Broinowski, Nurse Meredith, and Mrs Lohe.

On the 15th July, at the Mt. Gambier Methodist Church, by the Rev G. T. Arthur, "Edie," youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Gladigau, to Harold L. Green (late A.I.F.) youngest son of Mr and Mr, J. Green.
A pretty wedding was celebrated in the Methodist, Church Mount Gambier, on Thursday, July 15, when Mr Harold L. Green (late Flying corps, A.I.F.), youngest son of Mr and Mrs J. Green, of Mount Gambier, was married to Miss Ida (Ede) Gladigau, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Gladigau, of "Kia Ora" Mt Gambier, formerly of Natimuk.


A pretty wedding, in which considerable interest was shown, was celebrated in St Patrick's Cathedral on Tuesday last, the contracting parties being Mr Michael Whelan, of Natimuk, son of the late Mr and Mrs John Whelan, of Laen, and Miss Lil­ian May Lister, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Lister, of Ballarat. The bride, who entered the Cathedral on the arm of her father, looked very charming in a dainty costume of cream gaberdine, prettily braided. She also wore a cream panne velvet hat to match, and carried a handsome shower bouquet of white orchids, carnations and heath. The bridesmaid, Miss Ivy Lister (sister of the bride), was attired in a smart twill costume, and wore a pretty hat of dark brown and vieux rose. She also carried a boquet of pink carna­tions and rosebuds. The bridegroom was attended by Mr W. J. Corby. Immediately following the ceremony, Nuptial Mass was celebrated. The wedding party then adjourned to the George Hotel, where the wedding breakfast was laid in Mrs Lan­der's very best style. The Rev. Father Howell, of Horsham, who performed the wedding ceremony, presided, and in felicitous speech, proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom, the latter making a happy and suitable acknowledgment. The toast of The Bride's Parents was proposed by Mr Frank Moore and responded to by Mr Frank Lister. Mr John Whelan expressed thanks to Father Howell for travelling so far to officiate, and the Bridegroom voiced his appreciation of the admirable way in which the catering had been carried out.
The presents were numerous. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a gold wristlet watch, and the bride's to the bridegroom a leather suit case. By the afternoon train the happy couple left for Melbourne en route for their honeymoon.
The bride travelled in an oyster gaberdine costume and dark brown hat.

Death, SMITH (nee Elsie Willshire)—On July 19th, at Nurse Ferguson's Private Hospital, Natimuk, Elsie, dearly loved wife of Andrew W. Smith, youngest daughter of Thos R. and late Elizabeth Willshire, sister of Minnie, Hannah, Frank, May Barclay and Rose Robinson.

In Memoriam - FORT
In memory of our dear father,
Thom Alfred Fort,
who died on the 22nd July, 1919,
also our dear mother, Annie Fort,
who died on 29th May, 1894.
Peacefully sleeping, resting at last,
Earth's weary pains and suffering are past
Jesus has taken them home to his breast.
Sleeping so peacefully, ever at rest.
Inserted by their loving sons and daughters, Alfred, Percy, Bertha and Lilly

In sad and loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father
who passed away on the 22nd of July, 1919, aged 66 years.
Though absent from among us, dad
You are always in our thoughts,
And those you left behind you
Will always feel your loss.
Time cannot heal our aching hearts
Nor from our memories tear
The face and form we loved so well.
Twill dwell forever there.
The silent grief that's in the soul
No human eye can trace,
For many a broken heart lies hid,
Behind a smiling face.
When alone, I am thinking and sad tears flow,
I hear his voice as just a year ago,
And in a dream he stands by my side
And whispers these sweet words,
"Death cannot divide,"
A devoted husband, kind and true,
The very best of fathers too,
He lived his life for his loved ones.
What more could a good man do.
—Inserted by his wife, sons and daughters.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - July 30, 1920

Wedding Bells : CALDOW – GARDNER
A pretty wedding was celebrated in the Presbyterian Church, Goroke, by the Rev. C. Houston, on Jun 15th the contracting parties being Andrew Herbert (Bert) son of the late Mr and Mrs Thos. Caldow, and Daisy younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo. Gardner, of ‘Fairlands,’ Booroopki.
The bride, who was given away by her father, was prettily attired in a dress of ivory silk, trimmed with French knots, true lovers’ knots, and pearl beads. She wore the usual wreath and veil, and carried a small white bible, and spray of blossoms, and also wore a pendant – made from a French bullet – the gift of a soldier friend.
Miss Flora Stehn (cousin of the bride) was bridesmaid, and her dress was a shell pink silk, with white hat and shell pink streamers, and she carried a bouquet of white roses and asparagus fern.
Hilda and Mable Robinson acted as train bearers, and wore dresses of shell pink silk, and white hats with shell pink streamers.
Mr Percy Gardner (brother of the bride) filled the role of best man.
The bride’s gift to the bridegroom was a set of silver backed brushes, and the bridegroom’s gift to the bride was a gold bangle, and to the trainbearers a spray broach each.
Before the wedding party left the church the bridesmaid placed a lucky horseshoe on the bride’s arm, and as the happy couple left the church they were showered with confetti by well wishers.
A sumptuous wedding breakfast was partaken of in the Mechanics’ Hall. Speeches appropriate to the occasion were made by the chairman, Rev. C.R. Houston, and Messrs. J. Cameron, N. McKinnon, and G. Gardner (father of the bride). The bridegroom suitably responded to the toast of the Bride and Bridegroom.
The happy couple were motored to the station by Mr r. Wade, and they departed by the evening train. The honeymoon was spent at Melbourne, Geelong and Dunolly.
A large number of presents, including a number of cheques, were received by Mr and Mrs Caldow. Their future home will be at Karnak.

EX—GUNNER SHERIFF. [To the Editor, West Wimmera Mail.]
Sir,—There is but very little doubt the readers of this valuable little paper will be keenly interested in the matter brought before the public under the heading. "Explanation Wanted" by Cr Richards, but I venture to say there will be more than Cr Richards interested when the true facts are brought duly under the notice of the people who so willingly and freely gave to benefit the soldiers on their return from the war.
I have made two applications to participate in the fund, and received a reply after my first application, stating that I did not enlist from here, neither had I returned here. After my second application, I received a reply stating that the Committee do not consider I am eligible at present, but when they are satisfied that I have settled down in the district my application will receive consideration.
The grounds I am standing on are as follows: – I was born at Nurcoung, and schooled there. At the age of 13, I commenced working for my living for Mr W. Redford, Nurcoung, remaining there until I was 15, when I was employed by the late Mr Rodgers, of Tooan. From there I was employed by Mr Tierney of Goroke, I remained with him until employed by Mr J. Delaney. From there I went to Mortat Station, where I remained for about 15 months, and, after a few weeks work round about Goroke, I worked for Mr E. Jackman, Clear Lake. Leaving there, I returned to Mr C. Bailey, of Goroke, for the 1914 harvest, remaining there until Easter Monday of the same year, when I was employed by Mr Wm Tully, of Goroke, to go with his son, Oliver, to Lockhart, near Serviceton, and I was there at the outbreak of war. Two days before the Horsham Show, 1914, I offered my services in Horsham, but being under the age of 21, I had to get my parents' consent. However, I returned to my home in Goroke, where I remained for about a week, when I borrowed Mr L. Wade's bike and went across to South Australia to try my luck there, luck as it was called then. I was sworn in at the age of 21, remained in Camp for about 2 months and was then discharged as medically unfit, and was informed that my services would not be accepted until an expiry of 6 months. I returned to Mr Tully, where I again received employment. Inside of 8 weeks I was again in Camp, leaving Australia on the 17th of July, 1915. I returned in 1919 and was discharged in Melbourne on December 7th of the same year, I then had 60 days' leave granted to me, Most of my time was spent with my people, who had moved from Goroke to Horsham during my absence at the front, I lodged my first application six days after I came back, and received the former reply. I am inclined to think the Committee expected me to come straight back to Goroke and start work to receive my share of the fund, owing to my deceased wife's illness I was obliged to return to Scotland, before my leave of 60 days had expired, otherwise I may have done so, but In any case I am here now, working for Mr W. Redford, Nurcoung.
All my above statements will stand good, sound examination, and I ask the public to judge for themselves, and I feel quite confident that they will take their stand along with Cr Richards for justice fortunately, they are in the majority.
I have also noticed that there is someone writing from behind the cloak of Committee. He speaks about Cr Richards, rushing off to the Press, but I noticed that he rushed away forgetting his name. He also mentions that there are several other cases similar to mine. He is referring to the Byrne Bros and Mr Harold Hawkins. With all due respect to these boys, I cannot see how I am to be based on the same footing, as they know, I have never earned my living anywhere but in the Wannon Electorate and I am still in it. If he considers it is necessary to handle my name with military titles, I request that he will make a little investigation, and I demand of him to be handled correctly.
He admits that there has been a vote taken to see if I shall benefit. It is quite evident that there are some men standing for justice, but, unfortunately they are in a minority. But this man, who is standing behind the cloak to conceal himself and throw a shadow on the just portion of the Committee, does not appear, in my eyes, fit to conduct a pigstye, much less voice his opinion with the just men of this Committee, who are standing for justice and the welfare of returned Soldiers. He may have concealed himself from a good many, but he forgot that, when emptying his month he filled other people's. And if the so called gentleman likes to come forward I am right here at his service, and my system is never to suffer defeat.
Thanking you Sir, for this valuable space. —Yours etc,

The tragically sudden death of Mr Thos Finnegan, of Harrow, occurred at 1 o'clock on Saturday morning last (phones our correspondent). The cause of death was heart trouble, and the sad news was received with widespread regret. Mr Finnegan had for many years conducted a saddlery business, and for the past five years had acted as district representative for Messrs Young Bros. He was a man of sterling integrity, esteemed by everyone who knew him. He leaves a wife and four children, all living at Harrow, to mourn their loss, and to them the deepest sympathy has been expressed. The late Mr Finnegan took a prominent part in public affairs, having been president of the Mechanics' Institute and held other important positions. The fun­eral on Monday was the largest seen at Harrow for a long time. The Rev. W. J. Powney conducted the burial service.

The death occurred suddenly at Ballarat on Sunday of Mrs Mary Agnes Jelbart, wife of Mr Everett Jelbart, at the age of 65.
Mrs Sanders, sen., of Vectis East, relict of the late Mr Wm. Sanders, died yesterday week, aged 84, She landed at Adelaide from Cornwall at the age of 9. She had lived at Vectis for 45 years, settling there with her husband and 11 children. The living members of the family are Wm Robt. Martha and Edmund Herbert, Vectis East ; Edward John, Polkemmet, and Mrs C. J, Netherway, Quantong.
Mr and Mrs O. S. Prange, of Natimuk, suffered bereavement on July 22 at Nurse Ferguson's private hospital, Natimuk, in the death of their three month old son, the cause of death being bronchitis' The interment took place on Saturday, the Rev A. B. Rowell conducting the burial service and Messrs Bousfield and Sons the funeral arrangements,
Our Nurrabiel correspondent writes; The sudden death of the esteemed wife of Mr H. Ballinger came as a painful shock to the local residents, by whom she was beloved for her quiet, gentle character.
Mr O'Keefe, optician, is in Edenhope just now, and intends visiting here every six weeks. This will be a great boon to people.
Rod McDonald, son of Mr and Mrs Ewen McDonald, met with an accident which resulted in a broken arm. He was brought into Dr Craig, who set the arm, and we hope he will soon be alright again. This is the fourth time the poor boy has broken his arm and he is only 16 years of age.
A meeting of the Nurrabiel Cricket Club was held on the 28th instant, Notwithstanding the increased cost of requisites, the balance sheet revealed a small balance on the proper side. J. McDonald was the most consistent batsman, and Ted McDonald, with 55 wickets for 277 runs, stood alone with the ball. To augment the funds the Club is conducting a euchre tournament and dance on 3rd August
Lambing is a theme not much dis­cussed at present (writes our Nurrabiel correspondent). The percentage is extremely low, and, in cases, many ewes have been lost. Ewes lambing now are doing better, and a better result is being obtained. Last week Mr R. H. Sinclair was a heavy loser through wandering dogs killing 10 of his best lambs. The next night the visitors came and accounted for eight more. Surely graziers have had enough to contend with this year without a visitation of this kind.
A meeting of the Minimay R.C. Church committee was held last Sun­day, when it was decided to arrange a sale of gifts, euchre party and dance for Friday evening, 27th August, in the Mechanics' Hall, the object being to raise funds to defray part of cost of painting the Church, which contract has been let to Mr John Taylor, of Apsley, who will commence the work next week. A strong committee, with Mr J. T. Carracher as secretary, has been appointed to arrange the func­tion The cost of ball ticket (including supper) will be 5s, and the admission to the euchre tournament will be 1s. Supper will be provided by the ladies
To Tuesday's meeting of the Arapiles Shire Council, Cr Grant introduced a deputation from Gymbowen and Miga Lake consisting of Messrs J. Berry and E. Ampt, and ex- Private Percy Scott (a settler on Miga Lake), who asked that the Council construct about 36 or 40 chains of road over a very bad sandhill on the Miga Lake to Gymbowen road, in the parish of Kalingur, either with loam or gravel. Mr Berry stated that only a few chains had been done in that part of the shire in 40 years. The piece they wanted done was a neck of sand connecting two scrubs, and was almost impassable. He had seen up to 13 horses attached to a waggon with only a third of a load on and the axle of the waggon dragging along the top of the sand. Now that Miga Lake had been cut up, there would be a lot of traffic on this road, as Gymbowen was their nearest railway station, being only 11 miles, while Natimuk was 25 miles. The other members of the deputation spoke in a similar strain. Cr Grant said he would like to wait until the three Central Riding councillors were present before discussing the matter. President and Cr Grant moved that the engineer inspect and report to next meeting. Carried.

The Rev W. J. Powney, of Harrow, formerly of Natimuk, has just passed through a serious illness, due to an internal complaint. He was attended by Dr Marshall, of Balmoral, and has again taken up Church work.

Nurse Webster returned to Edenhope on Saturday, after receiving her brother's M.C. in Tasmania. Sister Philips, an army nurse, who has just returned from India, relieved her while away. Sister Philips is going back to Melbourne to take up private nursing again.
Mr and Mrs Anton Sudholz, of Mt Arapiles, were tendered a surprise party on Wednesday evening by a number of Natimuk friends. The party went out just in time to see the last of the old homestead, which is now being demolished, preparatory to, the erection of a handsome 14-roomed residence.
At the Natimuk State school on Tuesday afternoon last the scholars showed, in a practical way, the esteem in which they held Miss M. Lewis, first assistant, who has been trans­ferred to Bendigo. After taking her seat in a specially decorated chair, Miss Lewis was presented by Dorrie Kroschel and Kathleen Newton with two bouquets of violets, and after­wards by Marjorie Jory and Evelyn Uebergang with an ivoroyd toilet set. Mr Bienvenu made a brief but appropriate speech, in which he voiced the general regret at Miss Lewis's departure, and the best wishes for her future. In her acknowledgment, Miss Lewis thanked the scholars for their handsome gifts, and said that the Natimuk school children were the best she had ever met. Miss Lewis left by Tuesday night's train, and is being succeeded temporarily by Mrs Beck.
On Friday evening last Mr and Mrs James Ratcliffe were entertained by their friends at a shower tea in the Natimuk Hall: The decorative scheme was artistically carried out with gum, leaves and orange blossom. Cards, interspersed with music, singing and recitations, formed the opening part of the evening. Then the Chairman (Mr Fred Finck) presented the guests with a number of valuable presents, included amongst which was a special gift from the tinkettlers as a mark of their goodwill and their appreciation of the reception they received. The Chairman said they were all pleased that "Jim" had settled down in Natimuk, and they were, pleased to welcome Mrs Ratcliffe. He wished them long life and happiness. In responding, Mr Ratcliffe thanked his friends for the social evening, and for the gifts, which would serve to remind them of their friends in Natimuk. Dancing was then commenced, and during an interval supper was handed round.
A very enjoyable evening was spent by a number of Minimay residents at "Loyoak," the home of Mr and Mrs R. McLaughlin, on Wednesday evening, 21st instant, when these esteemed residents were tendered a “surprise" on the occasion of the completion of substantial additions to their residence, the work having been capably carried out by Mr J. Taylor, Apsley. Music predominated in the evening's enjoyment, an interval being filled in, in partaking of delicacies brought by the young ladies of the party. At the table, Mr A. F. Carracher referred to the object of the gathering, and thanked Mr and Mrs McLaughlin for their warm reception. He congratulated them on the fine additions to their home, and trusted they would be long spared to enjoy the increased comfort. Mr McLaughlin appropriately replied, thanking the party for having arranged the pleasant surprise, which he and Mrs McLaughlin and family appreciated very much. He again thanked those present for the good fellowship shown. The gathering dispersed at 3a.m., all being satisfied that they had spent a most enjoyable evening.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - August 6, 1920

The marriage of Mr Andrew Campbell to Miss Charlotte Egan afforded the townsfolk of Redbank a pleasant holiday, and somewhat compensated for no visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales to its locality.
The ceremony was performed in St. Paul's Church, Redbank, the Vicar, Rev. Canon Reynolds, officiating.
The bridegroom, who with two brothers, "did his bit" at the front, is now appointed Inspector of Returned Soldiers' Settlements in the Apsley district. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Andrew Campbell, of Miga Lake, Harrow. He appeared in the uniform of the A.I.F. and wore the colors of the 38th Battalion. Whilst serving in this unit he was severely wounded and invalided home. Khaki was also worn by Mr Neil Campbell, his brother, who acted as best man, and by Mr G. M. Egan, the eldest brother of the bride, who gave her away.
Miss Charlotte Helena Egan is the eldest surviving daughter of Mrs Egan and the late Mr John Egan, of Redbank, and was serving as a trained nurse. She looked very charming in wreath and veil with a dress of crepe de chine, draped with ninon, and carrying a bouquet of white azaleas. She was attended by her two sisters, Miss Kathleen and Miss Grace Egan, who were attired in pink and cream net over silk and carried bouquets of pink carnations.
Mrs Groube, of Wychetella, acted as organist, and played the musical part of the services and the marches capably, The church was decorated tastefully with flags, this being the work of Miss Rose Burge and friends. An arch with bell suspended bore the battalion colors of the bridegroom and initials of both. St Paul's was filled to its utmost capacity. After the ceremony, a reception was held in the Redbank Hall, when guests from many parts of Victoria sat down to dinner, the table decorations being most tastefully laid out by the capable hands of Miss Doll Ryan and Miss Bella Roe, of Redbank. The toast list was long, but much enjoyed.
In the evening the hall was prepared for dancing, which was indulged in till the small hours, interspersed with step-dancing by Miss Jessie Cameron (Quambatook) and Miss McKinnon (Charlton), songs, Mr Sinclair; recitation, Miss Grace Egan. The accompaniments were played by Mrs Groube. and Miss Rose Burge and Mrs E. Meagher. Mr Jack Egan fulfilled the duties of M.C. The presents were numerous, costly, and useful: A large number of cheques were also received, The gifts included the following:—Bridegroom to bride, necklet of pearls; bride to bridegroom, travelling bag; bridegroom to first bridesmaid, toilet set, to second bridesmaid, gold cable bangle; to little Miss Jean Horwill, trainbearer, a gold brooch.

The death of Mr John Wilson, an old and much respected resident of Ozenkadnook, took place on Sunday from heart trouble at the age of 64. He leaves a family of four sons and four daughters, for whom the deepest sympathy is felt. The funeral to the Goroke cemetery on Tuesday was largely attended. The Rev Mr Hill conducted the burial service.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - August 27, 1920

Mr. J. C, Haeusler sustained a sad bereavement on Thursday evening, of last week, by the death of Mrs Haeusler. The deceased lady had not been well for some time, but her relatives were not prepared for such a sudden ending. Mrs Haeusler, who lived with her husband at Grass Flat, visited Nat­imuk on the previous Tuesday, and was walking about the town. In the evening, when entering the gate at her sis­ters' (Misses Waltrowicz's), she collapsed on the path and had to be carried indoors. She did not regain consciousness, and died on Thursday evening. The news was received throughout the district with deep regret, Mrs Haeusler having been widely known and deeply respected. She was born at Handorf, S.A., 49 years ago and came with her parents to Natimuk at the age of 14. Her marriage with Mr Haeusler took place 10 years ago, the issue being one child, a girl. The funeral took place on Sunday, and was largely attended, the burial service being conducted by Pastor Noack and funeral arrangements by Mr. T.R. Willshire.

Mr Chas Walker, who has been an inmate of the Goroke Cottage Hospital for some considerable time suffering from diabetes, is reported to be about the same.

Mr W. A, Robinson, snr., of Booroopki celebrated his ninetieth birthday on the 16th inst at the residence of his son, Mr John Robinson. At his invitation a large number of old friends attended and afternoon tea was served by the members of his family. Besides individual gifts, Mr. Robinson's friends presented him with an Onkaparinga rug, and all joined in wishing him many more years of good health.

The sale next Thursday of that very excellent farm known as "Parklands," Containing 628 acres and situate within half a mile of Natimuk, is attracting much attention. Intending buyers from various parts of the Wimmera have inspected it, and the general opinion is that a record price for local land will be established. A clearing sale will be held after the land sale, and Messrs Young Bros will hold their usual stock sale at the "Parklands" yards at the same time.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - September 10, 1920

In loving remembrance of my dear husband,
Robert Tregenza, who died 10th September, 1918.
I watched beside your bedside, dearest Bob,
I watched you night and day.
Although I watched you closely,
I could not make you stay.
Inserted by his loving wife, Harriet.

Mr W. Crabtree, of Booroopki, who has been ailing for some considerable time, left for Nhill last week, where he is undergoing treatment by Dr Ryan.

Mr P. J. Carracher, of Minimay is also in Nhill under the care of Dr Ryan.

Mrs D. Carracher, of Booroopki, who recently underwent a severe operation at the hands of Dr Ryan, of Nhill, is making a rapid recovery and returned home this week.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - September 17, 1920

The death of Mrs Christine Duschka, which occurred at Horsham on August 31 after a lingering illness lasting four months, removes a colonist of 64 years standing. The deceased lady arrived in Natimuk 38 years ago, being then 34 years of age. Her husband died five years later. After living here for 25 years, Mrs Duschka removed to Jung to live with her youngest daughter, Mrs Greenberger. Through her many estimable qualities, Mrs Duschka had endeared herself to a large circle of faithful friends, who deeply deplore her death. She leaves a family of six, 21 grand children and three great grand children. The names of the family are—Mrs. Starick (Natimuk), Mrs R. H, Williams (Natimuk). Mrs. Rooke (Melbourne), William (late A.I.F., Melbourne) Mrs Greenberger (Jung), and Alfred (Natimuk). The funeral took place to the Natimuk Cemetery on September 3, Pastor Noack conducting the service at the grave, while Messrs. Bousfield and Sons carried out the funeral arrangements. The coffin bearers were Messrs W. Starick, W. J. and A. Klowes, and F. and E. Haustorfer.

The death of Mr Michael Ryan occurred on Sunday last, and the news was received with a feeling of regret by all who knew him. Strictly conscientious and fair in all his dealings with his fellow man he had gained the respect of everybody. He had suffered patiently from asthma for years, and during the past 12 months his grip on life had gradually weakened. Born at Burris-a-Leigh, County of Tipperary, Ireland, 77 years ago, Mr Ryan landed in Australia in the year 1870. After gaining farming experience in the Ballarat district he selected land in the Natimuk district in 1877, and had lived on the property until two or three years ago, when he sold the major portion or it, and went to reside with Mr Alex Morrison. The funeral took place on Tuesday.

WEST WIMMERA MAIL - November 5, 1920

A Denial
Sir, I understand it is rumored that I have said I recently went to the Nhill Hospital because I was not satisfied with Dr CRAIG's treatment. I wish to emphatically deny having said anything of the sought. I was more than satisfied with Dr CRAIG's treatment and went to the Nhill hospital solely on his advice, as my knee required treatment which only a hospital could give---yours, etc., Rubina C. ROBINSON, Edenhope.

Dr J.C. CRAIG Has commenced practice in Edenhope and visits.
Goroke weekly on Tuesday from 2 to 5pm.
Apsley weekly on Thursday from 3 to 5pm.
Minimay and Neuarpurr fortnightly on Thursday mornings at 10.30 and 11.30 respectively.

The above institution has been built special for a hospital under Board of Health supervision and registered for the reception of medical, surgical and maternity cases.
Sister Lilly MACKENZIE, R.R.C and member of the R.V.T.N.A.is the nurse in charge, to whom all aplications should be made direct.
Careful and up-to-date nursing guaranteed.
Hospital fees, £3/3/ per week.
Dr John KIRKPATRICK. L.R.C.P. & S., GI., Late of Birregurra, and now resident medical practitioner at Goroke attends daily.
The Goroke Hospital was voluntarily built by the people of the town and district, has been gradually improved and brought up to date, and for the past seven years has proved itself a boon to those who made use of it.
All doctors who have had occasion to attend have pronounced it to be an ideal spot for patients, and those requiring skilful and sympathetic treatment would do well to give it a trial.
G.H. HAWKINS Hon. Secy Hospital Commitee

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